Saturday 7 September 2013

Well, now that's we've caught up a bit on the photos, I can write a bit more about what's been going on in my life!

We've been very busy going Gromit hunting in August. We went to lots of places and saw lots of Gromits! My favourite one was Oops a Daisy! and Mummy's favourite was Steam Dog. Daddy's favourite was Sir Gromit of Bristol I think.

I've been doing lots and lots of growing and changing, Mummy says. I know I keep getting new clothes and I never see my old clothes again, which Mummy says is because I am growing like a weed. I don't really know what a weed is but Mummy said it's green and grows outside, so I like being a weed because a weed must be like a tree, and trees are my favouritest things in the whole world. When I grow up, I want to be a tree.

I'm trying really, really hard to crawl which is apparently funny because Mummy spends a lot of time laughing when I'm practising. I'm really good at getting on my hands and knees but then they won't work and move me forward. Sometimes I move backwards (I even managed to almost crawl off the big bed backwards one morning!!) but usually I just stay in one place and move forwards-back-forwards-back but don't move. One day I'll get it!

Me and Mummy went to visit Opa and Oma for a week, which was really great fun! We went out and saw Dutch people and Dutch trees and other Dutch stuff. I saw Auntie Caren too! She and I had a lot of fun when I wasn't feeling very happy, she understands me really well and we went to sit outside and it made me happier again. I saw Uncle Dimi, too, but only on a shiny thing on Skype. Opa and I went out together to visit my Great-Grandma, it was a boys adventure day!! I had lots and lots of fun.

Right now I am visiting my other Nanny and Grandad with Daddy. Mummy had to stay home and go to work (she works at the Baby Sensory place [Mummy edit: I work at the Village Hall where Leo and I go to Baby Sensory every Wednesday]) so it's just me and Daddy, on the road and having fun! There was so much to see and do today and I seed a parade, so I didn't want to take a nap because I was worried I was going to miss something. So I didn't miss anything because I didn't take a nap all day! I was pretty tired by bedtime, though, and Daddy told Mummy that I went to sleep pretty quickly.

Tomorrow Daddy and I are going to swimming lessons (for me, not Daddy) for the first time! We drive back from Nanny & Grandad's house in the morning, go home to pick up swimming stuff and have lunch, and then out for our swimming adventure! After that we need to go see two more Gromits which me and Mummy didn't manage to go see. Tomorrow's the last day of the Gromits so we have to hurry!

That's all for now!

Boo and me (and a Gromit)

Boo came to play for a while whilst her Mummy went to an appointment. It was so much fun...but then I had to take a nap! So much playing tired me out!

On the road with Daddy!

Good night everyone!

7 months!

I turned 7 months old on Monday!

Right now:

My favourite food: Fruity yoghurt
My favourite song: The one that goes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, once I caught a fish alive
My favourite game: Punch the balloon
My favourite toy: My car
I'm wearing size 12-18 months vests & all-in-ones and 9-12 months in seperates (like t-shirts and trousers)
I've now got four teeth (two top, two bottom) and Mummy thinks she can see some more. I'm trying really hard to crawl but either rock back and forth or go backwards - I can't figure going forwards out! I can stand up with minimal help from Mummy when I'm sitting on her leg. I'm babbling away, saying things like "buhbuhbuh" and "dahdahdah".

Have you missed me?

It's been a really long time since I last got to write a blog!

Mummy started a new job in August which means she has even less time to help me write these posts. She now goes to work every Wednesday and Friday evening, so it's boys' night at home, just me and Daddy and the cats. We have lots of fun! Well, Mummy and Daddy say that the cats don't have so much fun when I stroke and pull their fur and tails, but they shouldn't be so fun-looking, then! Who can resist pulling a tail when it's being waved in front of your nose?

Mummy has admitted that the 365 project is not strictly a true 365 project anymore. Some of the photos may not have been taken in the order she's numbered them, because on some days she forgets to take a photo. Or sometimes I have a bad day and she doesn't want any photos of bad days!

But here's a huuuuuge bunch of photos, to catch up! Don't forget to look for captions!

Daddy and I are dinos!

At Tyntesfield National Trust, just chillin'.

Made by Oma

In Oma's buggy, like a big boy!

Where's my dinner?! I'm so hungry I've had to start on my toy!

I love Kiddicare, there's lots of toys I can try out!

Beep beep!

In Opa & Oma's car, snoozing after a long journey

Me 'n' Mummy!

Boing boing boing!

Blasting off on the swings with Daddy

At Baby Sensory

Daddy: the best form of transport!

Out shopping with Daddy, the view's great from here!

This is just like my car at home! Beep beep!

All the big boys sag their trousers...

In my favourite place - a tree!

Replacement photos!

Ok, so it turns out Mummy's a bit silly and she found a whole bunch of photos after I posted my last update! 

So, here's some replacements for the photos she didn't have in July and replaced with the lovely ones shot by Emily Beer. 

We still love you, Emily, but Mummy says a 365 project should really be shot by the person doing it...I personally don't care, as long as there's photos being taken. I love showing off for the camera!

Open the door, Mummy!!

Do you like my trouser hat?

Do I have something on my face?

Sunday 4 August 2013

6 months!

I turned 6 months old on Friday - a whole half year!

Right now:

My favourite food: Carrot puffs
My favourite song: It's still Incey wincey spider
My favourite game: Peekaboo
My favourite toy: An old plastic bottle filled with lentils!
I'm wearing size 9-12 months clothing
I'm now sitting by myself, cruising around the living room in my sit-in walker and bouncing around in my Jumperoo. I have two teeth, too! I'm also eating three meals a day and will soon be graduating to stage 2 food!


Oops! Huge apologies to everyone that I haven't been updating the blog.

Daddy works very hard in July every year, which means it's just Mummy and me all day. Because Mummy's pretty busy looking after me (ha ha!) she doesn't get enough time (and energy she says, but with all the coffee she drinks I don't think that's true) to set up the blog for me to update.

But Daddy's done with his long days now and I get to see him every day again after work and play and cuddle and have my bedtime routine with him. Daddy's got a few days off before Mummy and I fly to visit Opa & Oma, too, so we're spending extra time together.

Mummy has asked me to apologise, too, because she's not really been able to keep up to date with her 365 project of yours truly. So some of the photos are a little bit out of sequence as a few may not have been taken on that specific day (but always within about 3-4 days, promise!) and there's some more very pretty ones that the lovely Emily Beer took of me. 

Daddy and me

I can sit up on my own, now!
I like eating rice cakes!

Tummy time isn't so bad anymore, it's actually rather fun, especially when there's a mirror involved...!

Doggie and me are just like Daddy, we all sleep facing left!

Opa and me when he and Oma came to visit. We had so much fun and I was really sad when they left again as I really missed my cuddles with them. It was really, really hot when they were here, so I didn't wear very much. I like being nudey the most, but Mummy and Daddy wouldn't let me take my nappy off in public. Spoil sports!

The hot weather made me sleepy and I took a lot of naps!

Hottest day of the year - phew!

Outside, my favourite place to be!

I've been teething some more!

My latest growth spurt went to my feet...see how big they are?!?


Just chillin'...

 Mummy and I have been doing a lot of Gromitting as well, so will update with lots of Gromit photos soon, too! :)