Saturday 7 September 2013

Have you missed me?

It's been a really long time since I last got to write a blog!

Mummy started a new job in August which means she has even less time to help me write these posts. She now goes to work every Wednesday and Friday evening, so it's boys' night at home, just me and Daddy and the cats. We have lots of fun! Well, Mummy and Daddy say that the cats don't have so much fun when I stroke and pull their fur and tails, but they shouldn't be so fun-looking, then! Who can resist pulling a tail when it's being waved in front of your nose?

Mummy has admitted that the 365 project is not strictly a true 365 project anymore. Some of the photos may not have been taken in the order she's numbered them, because on some days she forgets to take a photo. Or sometimes I have a bad day and she doesn't want any photos of bad days!

But here's a huuuuuge bunch of photos, to catch up! Don't forget to look for captions!

Daddy and I are dinos!

At Tyntesfield National Trust, just chillin'.

Made by Oma

In Oma's buggy, like a big boy!

Where's my dinner?! I'm so hungry I've had to start on my toy!

I love Kiddicare, there's lots of toys I can try out!

Beep beep!

In Opa & Oma's car, snoozing after a long journey

Me 'n' Mummy!

Boing boing boing!

Blasting off on the swings with Daddy

At Baby Sensory

Daddy: the best form of transport!

Out shopping with Daddy, the view's great from here!

This is just like my car at home! Beep beep!

All the big boys sag their trousers...

In my favourite place - a tree!

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