Thursday 20 June 2013

My turn again!

My turn again!

I found a new toy during one of my Baby Sensory classes which is so much fun! It's a bright and shiny silver crinkly blanket!

Mummy says it's for when people are cold but I like to play with it anytime, not just when I'm cold. It rustles and cracks and makes so much noise! It's shiny and fun and I can see another baby playing with it when I look hard enough. It's a lot of fun to kick and stamp my feet on, too, and it's even more fun to put it in my mouth to chew on, although Mummy calls me "No" when I do that and takes it away. I don't know why she bothers, I just put it back in my mouth anyway!

I'm getting better at rolling over, too. Although sometimes I don't bother to roll the whole way as I can see the Big Bright Box just fine on my side.
 I've been having a lot of time playing on my tummy and the world is a lot of fun from that angle! I dribble quite a lot but I just wipe my face on my sleeve or on the blanket that I'm lying on. I like getting gooey!

 I went to visit my friend I a little while ago and she's got the coolest toy in the world: a jumperoo! It's so much fun and I loved sitting in hers jumperoo and watching the flashy lights and listening to the silly music it played. I laughed and laughed!

I was so very excited when suddenly my very own jumperoo appeared in my living room! I love playing in it!

I spend a lot of time in my jumperoo and discover new things every time. I dribble a lot when I'm having fun, so Mummy always makes me wear a dumb bib when I play in it.

Mummy likes this photo of me, taken by Emily Beer, the nice lady who pointed a funny black box at me one day and made lots of fun noises and funny faces at me. She was silly, but very nice.

Mummy, Daddy and I went to the museum again and it was fun. I got to sit in a big boy high chair again and I played with my toys. Mummy is very clever, she always brings toys with her when we go out but she never brings the right ones or enough toys so I have to shout to tell her sometimes!

I love warm weather! And I love being naked! The other day Mummy and Daddy took me outside and let me roll around naked on a blanket for a long time - it was so much fun! I even got to Skype with Oma but something was wrong with the Small Bright Box so I didn't see Oma for very long. It was so much fun rolling around on the blanket all nudey and weeing on Mummy's leg!

Mummy says my tummy is cute and funny and took a photo of it today. I don't really know why. She tried to take a photo of me rolling over in bed, which is something I've just learned to do, but she was too slow! Hahaha!

Review - Emily Beer - Photographer

I'm going to steal the limelight from Leo for a minute and write a long-overdue review!

A lovely lady named Emily Beer came to do some photographs of our cub and of us as a family. I'll be sharing her photos occasionally as part of my 365 photos (with her credited, of course!) so you'll see plenty of her work on the cub!

Emily was very patient and fun and gentle with Leo, who wasn't in the best mood the day of the photoshoot. Despite the lion's grumpiness, Emily managed to get lots of wonderful shots of him and she had the patience of a saint as he threw tantrums and scowled at the camera.

After the shoot, Emily edited the photos and delivered a CD to our house almost immediately after the shoot with both small and large sized versions of the photos, 151 photos in total!

We've been able to use the photos to order enlargements and canvases and it's great to have access to them on a CD. Emily only charged for her time and the CD so we can do with the photos what we like, unlike normal high street photographers where you pay for a session and then have to hand over a fortune for one or two prints!

We loved working with Emily and plan to do it again when the cub is a bit older and perhaps walking.

You can find Emily on Facebook:

Mummy's rubbish at this!

Well, Mummy's rubbish at posting in this blog, so I'm taking over! Hello everyone, my name's Leo and I'm almost five months old!

Lots of catching up to do with photos!

I'm loving playing with my feet - they're the best toy ever! They keep wriggling and jumping away though, which can get frustrating. I just don't understand why they do that!?

One of my favourite games is "stick out your tongue"! I like to play it all the time and expect everyone to play along when I invite them. To play, I stick out my tongue at you, and then you have to do it back. Once you've learned to stick your tongue out back to me, I'll do it again, to teach you to repeat after me.

Mummy and Daddy finally learned, but it took me a while to teach them!

I'm also enjoying playing on my front in the living room, especially when the Big Bright Box is on. Mummy calls it a telemevision or something. I'm allowed to watch it a little bit every day. My favourite programme is Numtums on CBeebies in the morning. I love the singing, dancing flamingos - they're the best!

Mummy and Daddy took me to Mummy's friend's wedding and I got to chill outside on my blankets. There were lots and lots of other kids there and Mummy's friend has a really pretty daughter who's a bit older than me. I had my own place at the table and everything and felt very important. I even sat in the high chair for a bit but then I got bored and wanted to play with my new rattle toy which was  a present from Mummy's friend. I was a really big boy and stayed up until 9PM that night just like Mummy and Daddy!

The day after the wedding we went to a zoo nearby. There were lots of big animals but I wasn't too impressed. It kept Mummy and Daddy amused, though, which is good as they're a nightmare when they get bored. I let them drive me around in my pushchair whilst they looked at all the animals. I just wanted to get back to the car to play with my froggie toy. For months it kept randomly singing and flashing lights at me, which was amusing, but it never did it when I wanted it to. But that day I figured out that if I poke it in the eye, it sings and the lights flash! Even better, if I poke it in the eye repeatedly, the songs and lights don't stop! I had a happy time making the music go and the lights flash for a long time. Mummy and Daddy even sang along, although they didn't seem to be as happy as I was when they were singing. I heard Mummy mention something was driving her crazy, but I didn't catch what it was...

Mummy and I have a new routine in the morning. When I wake up, Mummy or Daddy will come and get me and take me to their bed to have a play and cuddles. I love playing in the big bed but Mummy seems pretty tired so I try to make her go to sleep by going to sleep myself after a while. I'm nice to Mummy like that.

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Been a while!

Apologies for the recent lack of blog posts! On one hand life's been eventful and I've not had a chance to blog...on the other, there's not been all that much to talk about every day!

So, I'll post up the next lot of 365 photos and comment on them when there's something interesting to say!

I've mentioned Doggie before, Leo's favourite bedtime toy and comforter but never took a photo of him. So, meet Doggie! I still haven't got a spare Doggie, something I really must do. If anything happened to this one, Leo'd be pretty upset. Sometimes he'll have a real look of absolute glee when we give him Doggie when he's settling down to go to sleep.

The offending object! Or so I thought, anyway. On Thursday, Leo started pulling at his ear and crying. He'd been swiping at it for a little while, but I'd interpreted it as something he did when tired. He's going through a phase at the moment where he doesn't want to take daytime naps, and will get overtired. When this happens, he rubs his eyes, yawns and grabs for his hair. But while we were having coffee with my friend S (and Leo's future wife, I) we noticed he was really pulling at his ear suddenly. I made him a doctor's appointment the following day where they found nothing, thankfully, besides a bit of ear wax. Subsequent Googling on my part told me that younger babies can often interpret teething as ear pain, and it's common to see them exhibiting similar things to when they have an ear infection.

This past weekend was a very big weekend for me (and, I'd like to think, for our cub too). On Friday afternoon, Leo and Daddy went up to Shropshire to visit Nanny and Grandad, without me! Leo made sure to catch up on plenty of sleep before he left, so he was ready and prepared for lots of cuddles! 

I hated Leo and Daddy leaving and really, really regretted that I was staying home.

Purees! I spent some of my time alone this past weekend making purees for our cub. He was officially 17 weeks on the Saturday, and 4 months on the Sunday, which meant he's officially "allowed" to be weaned. I made him some carrot, apple and banana & avocado purees.

I spent the entire day (and night) Saturday without was horrible and I hope never to do it again! And for anyone who's, I didn't catch up on any sleep! Both nights without the cub I woke up lots during the night - I guess it's just ingrained in me, now!

Four months old! Whilst Daddy and Leo were oop North(ish), Daddy found a set of foam letters and numbers, inspiring me to start taking a photo every month. It's such a shame we didn't think of this earlier and haven't got photos for one, two and three months old!

The cub arrived home at around 16:30 that day and it was a very joyful reunion for me!

Summer's finally here! Over the weekend the weather improved dramatically here and by Monday it was lovely and warm and sunny. Some of Leo's favourite things include being naked and talking to trees, so we took advantage of the good weather to allow him to do both at the same time. He had a very animated conversation with our sloe tree in the buff.

Even more importantly, he achieved two big milestones during his nudey time outside that day! He rolled over not once, not twice but THREE times in quick succession. When he got bored of that, he grabbed his feet successfully. The good weather must make babies develop quicker!

Tuesday saw Leo's final lot of jabs (for the moment). He's never responded wonderfully to the jabs, and this lot took effect very quickly. He was very unhappy all day and fussy. We were sat on the sofa together, playing with Louie, when he very suddenly turned and curled up on me and went to sleep. We don't get many snuggly sleepy cuddles from Leo anymore (he obviously thinks he's MUCH too grown up for baby cuddles!) so it was lovely and very touching. I felt very bad for him that he was feeling so miserable that he just wanted to cuddle and sleep.

Today saw another day of lovely weather and more opportunity to dry the laundry outside...I thought it was quite amusing that one load of washing contained 6 bibs. He goes through at least 3 bibs to catch dribble through the day and usually illustrated here!