Sunday 4 August 2013


Oops! Huge apologies to everyone that I haven't been updating the blog.

Daddy works very hard in July every year, which means it's just Mummy and me all day. Because Mummy's pretty busy looking after me (ha ha!) she doesn't get enough time (and energy she says, but with all the coffee she drinks I don't think that's true) to set up the blog for me to update.

But Daddy's done with his long days now and I get to see him every day again after work and play and cuddle and have my bedtime routine with him. Daddy's got a few days off before Mummy and I fly to visit Opa & Oma, too, so we're spending extra time together.

Mummy has asked me to apologise, too, because she's not really been able to keep up to date with her 365 project of yours truly. So some of the photos are a little bit out of sequence as a few may not have been taken on that specific day (but always within about 3-4 days, promise!) and there's some more very pretty ones that the lovely Emily Beer took of me. 

Daddy and me

I can sit up on my own, now!
I like eating rice cakes!

Tummy time isn't so bad anymore, it's actually rather fun, especially when there's a mirror involved...!

Doggie and me are just like Daddy, we all sleep facing left!

Opa and me when he and Oma came to visit. We had so much fun and I was really sad when they left again as I really missed my cuddles with them. It was really, really hot when they were here, so I didn't wear very much. I like being nudey the most, but Mummy and Daddy wouldn't let me take my nappy off in public. Spoil sports!

The hot weather made me sleepy and I took a lot of naps!

Hottest day of the year - phew!

Outside, my favourite place to be!

I've been teething some more!

My latest growth spurt went to my feet...see how big they are?!?


Just chillin'...

 Mummy and I have been doing a lot of Gromitting as well, so will update with lots of Gromit photos soon, too! :)

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