Friday 5 July 2013


Oopsie, Mummy just reminded me to share with you all that my first tooth is coming through. It's the bottom left one.

That's all!

More Gromitting - Pt. 3

I've really been enjoying the warm weather and have been spending a lot of time playing outside.

Oma's little Dutch boy:

Today Mummy and I went to hunt for more Gromits. We took the bus. I like the bus, especially when it's a long trip and Mummy takes me out of my pushchair so I can have a look around. In this hot weather I get really sweaty and yucky and bored in there, so Mummy takes me out to sit on her lap. I can see trees out of the window, and cars too. I like to smile and laugh at the other people on the bus, because then they make funny faces at me. I have them well trained!

Sometimes I get to take a bath with Daddy. He asked Mummy to pixelate him to keep the focus on me, so I heard her say she was going to shop for a photo or something. I think Daddy looks funny. I like to hold on to the handles of the bathtub, but I like splashing more. Until today I only splashed with my feet, but then I heard Mummy and Daddy say that they wondered how long it would be until I could splash with my hands. I never thought of that, so I started doing it. They're full of good ideas. I don't know why Mummy squeaked and ran out of the room when I splashed her, though. I thought she would need a bath, too!

Today we saw six more Gromits, Mummy and me:
Queens Square

Thunderbolt Square

King Street
St Nicholas Market

Castle Park

The Galleries

Mummy and I weren't very impressed by the one in St Nicks Market, it was a bit boring. I saw something much more interesting on the other side of the room. I thought I'd show off my feet to you, too! I stayed awake for all of them today, too, even though I was very hot.

We couldn't see the one in the Old Vic theatre today as Mummy wasn't allowed to take the pushchair upstairs, so we'll have to come back with Daddy to help.

We also couldn't see the one outside the Spyglass because some stupid boy or girl has hurt the Gromit and the Gromit's parents had to take him away to be made better. Mummy told me that other Gromits have been hurt, too, and I think this is very dumb and newborn behaviour. Grow up, dumb boys and girls who are hurting my lovely Gromits!

Wednesday 3 July 2013

More Gromitting!

Now that I can roll over, I like to sleep on my side. It's fun to roll around and twist myself into lots of different knots. Although sometimes I get too twisted and Mummy needs to come help me. Especially at the moment because I've got a really stuffy nose and my mattress has been raised to help me breathe. I twist and turn and roll and *boom* - I roll all the way to the bottom! Then I wake up and Mummy has to hoist me up to the top again.

We went hunting for more Gromits today and went to Cribbs Causeway, a big shopping centre. It took us a pretty long time to find all of them, so I fell asleep by the end. 

We found the Green Gromit first, which was painted by some boy from a band called One Direction. Mummy and I don't really know much about the band but weren't impressed by the boy's painting skills. I could have done it better! It's the first Gromit Mummy and I didn't like very much, but I think it's probably also the last. 

The other two we saw today were great, especially The Wild West one (or so Mummy tells me, I accidentally napped through that one...and the Antique Rose one too...oops).

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Gromit hunting Pt 1.

On the weekend, Daddy, Mummy and I went to find our first lot of Gromits. The Trail hadn't officially started yet but we took and chance and found some already!

Auntie S, Mummy and Boo and I are hopefully going out tomorrow to find some more, as long as Boo's feeling better. I think I gave her my cold but she's feeling more poorly than I am and has a temperature today. I want to give her a hug to make her feel better!

5 months today!

I'm 5 months old today!

Right now:

My favourite food: Banana
My favourite song: Incey wincey spider
My favourite game: Flying baby
My favourite toy: Louie the lion
I'm wearing size 6-9 months clothing
I'm now rolling over, able to sit by myself a little and am starting to make crawling movements!

Monday 1 July 2013

Hello world!

Well, here I am again! Mummy and Daddy have been keeping me busy so I've only just had a chance to write to you all. 

We went to go visit Daddy's family last weekend. Mummy packs an awful lot when we go away, every time I see the stuff she's packed, I get excited and think that we're going on a round-the-world holiday for a few months. But then it turns out it's only a weekend. Mummy's silly. It's a good thing she packed me, though!

I had lots and lots of attention when we were with Daddy's family and had cuddles from my Nanny and Grandad and my Great Grandma, too! Plus lots of other people, who Nanny was explaining to me but she kept telling me they were removed, which I thought didn't make sense, because they were still there, they weren't removed at all. I just smiled at her and gave her cuddles.

Mummy has a new game with my Tigger blankie which I think is lots and lots of fun. She makes him talk and kiss me all over and it makes me giggle and squeal because he's so funny. I love Tigger. I love kisses, too! I especially like hugs, and I've started giving cuddles to people because I love hugs so much.

Mummy and her friends Auntie S and Auntie R and my friends Boo, M & T and me all went to the playground and we had lots of fun. T's a big boy and goes on the slide by himself, but I stuck with Mummy. We had a go on the swing which was ok, but I enjoyed the bouncy rocking horse more. I hope we can keep going to the playground lots!

I've realised it's not very hard to sit up all by myself, so I've been practicing a lot lately. Sometimes I fall over, which can be a bit scary, but I'm getting better and better at it!

Mummy, Auntie S and Boo and I had an afternoon in the park. I'd outgrown all my sun hats at home so Mummy had to borrow one of Boo's hats for me...don't I look silly in a girls' hat?!?

Over the weekend I had the most fun, ever!! I played outside and then Daddy put me in my Bumbo in just my nappy and gave me a bowl of chocolate pudding! (Mummy edit: it's special pudding for 4+ months, don't worry!) I had so much fun, I smeared it everywhere and tried to tip the bowl over my head. I LOVE chocolate pudding and want it for dinner every day!

I'm still dribbling a lot, but there's no teeth yet, Mummy says...

Another pretty picture by Emily Beer!